by Georgia Varjas | Nov 17, 2022 | Blog, book writing coach, Books, confidence courage consistency, Featured, Uncategorized, Writing, writing coach
Let’s face it, in the past, self-publishing was frowned upon and not held highly by many readers or publishers. Today however, this attitude has changed completely. Of course, your manuscript must be professionally edited, printed and published. But with only...
by Georgia Varjas | Oct 12, 2022 | Blog, book writing coach, Books, confidence courage consistency, Featured, Uncategorized, Writing, writing coach
Sell Your Book Before it is Written. Does that make sense to you? I mean how can you do that? Is she telling me to sell the book before the manuscript is complete? Yes, I am. And do you know why? Because no one but you knows the content, value and potential of your...
by Georgia Varjas | Aug 19, 2022 | Blog, book writing coach, Books, Uncategorized, Writing, writing coach
Many budding authors are overwhelmed and somewhat shocked at the number of genres and sub-genres that exist today. And what is worse, you have to pick one. As a book writing coach, I get to hear this a lot. What genre is my book? The thing is, autobiography, memoir,...
by Georgia Varjas | Aug 5, 2022 | book writing coach, Books, Uncategorized, Writing, writing coach
Many people talk about writers block, the muse on holiday, the inspiration that vanished or the life that overtook me. As a book writing coach, I have to say, I listen to these comments but I don’t really believe in them! Like many things in life, it is...
by Georgia Varjas | Aug 3, 2022 | book writing coach, Books, confidence courage consistency, Uncategorized, Writing
What attracts you to buy a book? Cover design, price, the author or a screamingly compelling title? It probably is a mixture but you have to admit the title is the big hook line. How can you develop a flair for writing a juicy headline that attracts, beguiles and...
by Georgia Varjas | Aug 1, 2022 | book writing coach, Books, Uncategorized, Writing, writing coach
I have been asking this question many times in the last few years. Have you ever thought about writing a book? I am always keen to listen and understand the answers. What is it we tell ourselves about our abilities and potentials? And, how smart we are are at not...