by Georgia Varjas | Jul 25, 2020 | Blog, confidence courage consistency, Uncategorized
7 Reasons To Write Your Book That Doesn’t Make Money! Does that sound crazy to you? That you would spend so much time and energy and even money to write a book that won’t make you rich? Or even pay the mortgage? To be realistic, very few authors make their...
by Georgia Varjas | Jul 18, 2020 | Blog, confidence courage consistency, Uncategorized
Do you remember having a determined energy about something you wanted to do, to finish even to win? A feeling in your bones that by hook or by crook – you would get it and succeed? I have been reading in my thesaurus the synonyms for determined, and it makes for...
by Georgia Varjas | Jul 11, 2020 | Blog, confidence courage consistency, Uncategorized
I have always been my own boss. Actually, I have held down 3 jobs for a total of one week and 15 hours! Now don’t judge me or assume I am a failure or can’t be trusted or any other cliche – please. I have made many decisions, heaps of mistakes and...
by Georgia Varjas | Jul 4, 2020 | Blog, confidence courage consistency, Uncategorized
Remember that pop song from the Spice Girls back in 1996? The first line ran: I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want. Whatever you think of the music or the women who sang it, the lyric is a powerful one. And if you ask yourself what you really...