by Georgia Varjas | Mar 27, 2018 | Blog
Frightened, Foolish, Fed-up, Freaked and Frozen! Is that how you feel when you speak on video, stage or page? You know what I mean? Thinking too much, worrying constantly and concerned that you are not good enough at, hair, make-up, lighting and sound or worse –...
by Georgia Varjas | Mar 19, 2018 | Blog
Ready to tell your story? Itching to write that book? Or jump on a stage and have your say? Ready to go and get it? It’s a great feeling isn’t it? And yet, you have to admit it’s scary too. Standing on the edge of a stage Eyeing up the green lens of...
by Georgia Varjas | Mar 13, 2018 | Blog
The times they are a changing and never has it been better time to Make Your Passion Your Pay-Check You know what I mean? Turning the Biz- Niz you love doing into a valued service that brings you worthwhile financial rewards. Knowledge and learning in exchange for...
by Georgia Varjas | Mar 5, 2018 | Blog
Language is one of our most fabulous communication tools. We use it without thinking about it – and sometimes without thinking! Yet, it is evolving and metamorphosing as we speak. New words and phrases are created daily, our language is spreading sideways! We...