Georgia Varjas

Our alphabet has 26 letters that can create magic and drama, can cause joy and pain, love and conflict – it’s your choice.

I started writing dialogue as a teenager.

Two people facing each other, loving, fighting, caring, arguing, debating, cajoling. It was packed with nouns and verbs. It was exciting and fast paced.

It was drama on a stick. These were my writing prompts.

I used my pen to express stories and situations I wanted and didn’t want in my life.

I went on to learn many different ways to express myself with words and music.

As a professional saxophonist, I was able to work in theatres, accompanying solo acts, creating moods and emotions – stories even, to enhance the performance.

I had a business card that read: Talkative Music.

I performed poems, stories and short dialogues to music.

I wrote to perform.

Poems, scripts, monologues and 3 minute plays.

I entered performance poetry contests.

Slammed in the States with a team of amazing poets.

I loved the spoken word scene and provoked, engaged, humoured and made audiences think.

And now, I write to speak. I write to express myself – and others through plays, poems, scripts, blogs, articles, short stories and 4 published books.

I write to reassure, console, energise, boost and inspire others to think for themselves, to share their expertise and experiences and their wisdom.

Book Writing Coach

And now, as a book writing coach…I encourage you to write.

To show and share with the world your own unique and exceptional life experiences.

Because I know that writing leads to self-revelations of the extraordinary kind.

Your book is your legacy, your marketing tool, your imprint and impact on the world.

Writing is an expression of who you are. And it is this experience that I share, offering book advice, writing advice, coaching you to become a published author…almost like a book doula!

The tongue has no bones, but it is strong enough to break a heart. Take care of your words, take care of your language.


Anon (probably a woman)


BBCWRSFinance MonthlyGlamourSoul SpiritThrive GlobalHonest Mum

“As an executive coach, I am doubly (and unashamedly) fussy when choosing a coach for myself…But it was not the case with Georgia.”

I am so pleased to retain Georgia Varjas as my writing coach.
Whilst she gives advice, she does not judge and allows you to use your own approach – thus ensuring authenticity.
She remains engaged with you and does not fail to remind you of your ultimate goal.

So, if like me, you need Incentive, inspiration, Insight, Georgia is the writing coach for you!

Dr, Catherine A. Baudino

“I am on a brilliant book coaching programme with Georgia, she is a breath of fresh air! I highly recommend her.”

I am on a brilliant book coaching programme with Georgia, she is a breath of fresh air! I highly recommend her.

I was quite unsure and nervous when I started my book journey and did not think that a girl ‘like me’ had anything worthwhile to say.

Fast forward to now, Wowza, yes Georgia has helped uncover the writer in me!

She has helped guide me, help me understand the value of my experience and the stories I have to share. I have learned to be more confident, bolder, and more self-assured than I have ever been. Her tough, yet gentle guidance, prodding, and pushing are really valuable to help stay on track and get the

book published. My personal confidence has transformed and I am delighted to be on this journey.

Georgia you are a superstar!

Tracy-Anne Barker Mcmi

“I want to give a massive thank you to my coach Georgia Varjas as time with her has been invaluable.”

I invested in a three-part bespoke program with Georgia to help me promote my coaching business,
my books as well as raise my LinkedIn profile and social media presence.

The advice and guidance Georgia offered was highly professional and perfect for the early growth of
my business. Georgia is passionate very credible and has a genuine interest in client’s development.


Raj Soren

“That’s it! The final full stop. Done! In 12 weeks, I have written my book. ”

That’s it!
The final full stop.
Done! In 12 weeks, I have written my book. Still pinching myself a little bit!

And, wow! It feels good! It feels great! And it’s even better than I had imagined (which is
thanks to Georgia’s coaching and bringing out the best in me and my writing).

I’m feeling very proud, powerful and prolific. What an empowering journey to go on, I’d
recommend it to anyone…and once you start, it becomes addictive!

Gila Archer

“As someone who has spent their professional life translating and writing copy for other people ”

As someone who has spent their professional life translating and writing copy for other people, I was excited at the prospect of writing my first book.

Georgia really helped me to understand how to structure my book, unlock my stories and appreciate the value of the knowledge that I have acquired over the years and explained clearly how to demonstrate confidence and authority in my writing.

This would never have happened if I hadn’t hired Georgia as my book writing coach.

Thank you, Georgia, for all of your support, guidance and constructive feedback throughout this transformative journey.

Antoinette Chappell
Copywriter Ghostwriter

“I just completed a 3-session ”

I just completed a 3-session 1-2-1 workshop with Georgia. She is an excellent, intuitive teacher who can talk the language of each of the people in the group and blend them together so everyone gets the message.
And she's fun!

Elen Sentier
Psychotherapist, Coach & Author

“By experiencing a Writing Masterclass with Georgia”

By experiencing a Writing Masterclass with Georgia, I have been able to tap in and recognise my exciting options and opportunities which lie ahead of me and has started me on my writing journey. Everyone has a story. I highly recommend you talk to Georgia and discuss yours!

Anni Tuffnell
Transformational coach, NLP Master Practitioner

“I came to sessions with Georgia with a big tangled ball of wool of ideas in my mind”

I came to sessions with Georgia with a big tangled ball of wool of ideas in my mind which had overwhelmed me and prevented me from taking any writing action in the past. I also came with very limiting beliefs about myself as a writer and as a person.

With Georgia’s patience, inspiration, accountability and much-needed challenging, I am now getting to pull out the pieces of tangled wool strand by strand as I get more clarification and direction in my writing.

Georgia has encouraged me to think systematically about what I want to share and how best to share it in book form. As well as this, she has also helped me to believe in myself and to actually be the expert in my own life, that I already was!

Ali Gordon
Transformation coach and author

“Georgia's coaching is a perfect blend of creativity and practicality, which for me, made the
writing process enjoyable and purposeful”

I'm excited to continue this journey with her and highly recommend her as a coach for both aspiring and existing writers.

Barry Taitt
Consultant, Speaking Coach

“I loved Georgia’s 6 week writing course . It awakened my creativity and imagination in many ways with short and longer writing exercises”

Some homework and great tips on how to get the reader’s attention quickly, include personal stories and/or use our imagination to make things up. I feel ready to start my own book and continue this journey and am so grateful for the confidence and inspiration I found in these few weeks

Alessandro Ferullo
Founder of Flowing Health QiGong

“I was blown away and totally impressed by the gravity, excitement and hope which Georgia Varjas instilled into this short course”

I would entirely recommend everybody who has a desire to explore the “Pen of their childhood” to sign up for this engaging master course. It is truly awesome.

Eleri Haf Cosslett LLM
Director McGuire Mitchell Law

“I can't speak highly enough of Georgia's 6 week writing course.”

Being held accountable for homework is a big thing for me because I am not one to be told what to do. However, Georgia's way of politely but firming suggesting/nagging us makes us stand to attention and look to!
The writing exercises in class are fun and it's wonderful to see us all improving through the helpful suggestions and guidance offered with humour thrown in.

Highly recommended!

Elaine Godley
Health Mentor - Author - Speaker

“I joined Georgia's Six Week Group Creative Writing Course earlier this year because I wanted to explore how I could express my thoughts and ideas differently.”

I thoroughly recommend the course for many reasons:
- you're given prompts to spark your imagination, along with a little piece of fun homework
- you get feedback to ponder and improve your creative expression
- you discover different ways to convey your emotions
- the others in the group are supportive and increase your confidence
In summary, it was a fun, creative voyage of discovery that sparked my imagination and use of words.
It was such a good experience that I'm doing it again shortly!

Lynne Stainthorpe

Intuitive Brand Strategist

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