by Georgia Varjas | Nov 28, 2017 | Blog, Featured
What’s the difference between listening and hearing? Yes, we understand that ‘we hear the music but listen to the lyrics’. We know we are also capable of hearing the voice but not the message. In fact, we humans are so clever at mixing up the...
by Georgia Varjas | Nov 20, 2017 | Blog, Featured
Once upon time, all of us here were children, Right? I am sure you remember. Perhaps, you have children now, or grandchildren, even the neighbours off spring, asking why? Why? And why? As we grow up, we learn to elaborate on that question, but it still is a popular...
by Georgia Varjas | Nov 13, 2017 | Blog, Featured
When was the last time you sat and day-dreamed? Or a time when you let your mind wander off into some limitless paradise? Do you remember the glorious events you imagined? How you soared up and completed amazing tasks…in your imagination? Imagination is powerful...
by Georgia Varjas | Nov 7, 2017 | Blog, Featured
One of the best pieces of advice I received, when I started venturing out as a solo entrepreneur, came from my excellent Business coach and mentor, Monique Blokzyl. She talked about the power of team work but more importantly, how to create your Dream Team. It is not...