From the idea that everyone should write a book to everyone has a book in them, let’s just take these exaggerated statements down a peg or two and look at the realities of writing a book.

How many times has someone told you that you must write a book?
And how did you feel? And what did you do about it?
You probably felt chuffed and started imagining book signings and limousines and so on.
Then, you realised you have never written more than a page or two since school, or you remember your teacher telling you that you have no talent to write  – or other negative nonsense.

So, in reality, the idea of writing a book fascinates and inspires but the actual work of writing, editing and publishing – and then some marketing, changes the mind of many.


-Being a good writer is 3% talent and 97% not being distracted by the internet – Anonymous


Writing a book requires dedication, determination and drive.
It also needs time, energy and investment.
And, for sure you need a great team.


-If there’s a book you want to read, but it hasn’t been written yet, then you must write it.- Toni Morrison


But let’s break all these rules and regulations down because I do believe that once you have found the heart and core of your story, you have the main ingredients.

– Then you need to prepare, get the structure, the foundations so you can build upon it.
-Do the research, collect the stories and anecdotes you want to include.
-After, comes the writing, the work, the time and energy to put down on paper or screen or both, all your ideas, all those delicious ingredients.
-There will be the back and forth with your team. Your mentor, coach or editor.
-And as the book grows a title will emerge.
-As your stories unwind you find the balance between story and facts.
Before you know it, the last fat full stop is laid down!

I like to offer my budding authors options to prepare to write their book.
Some of course, are ready to roll out 45,000 to 60,000 words and some need some encouragement guidance to avoid the overwhelm road.

For this reason and for the many who sit between the two examples above – I offer Creative Writing Group sessions.
A place to find your writing voice, explore stories and tap into your imagination. And the bonus is the art of giving and receiving feedback.
DM me for a conversation to explore your needs more.

Then there is a unique chance to
Write and Speak Yourself Into Prosperity on the 9th and 10th of October. A 2 X 90 minute online workshop.
Antje Swart and myself, shall be inviting you to find and use your inner wisdom to bring your writing and speaking skills to the forefront, and to connect and engage in a genuine and original way.
Check out this link to learn more

I shall also be offering 2 more 1-2-1 workshops starting in November…Watch this space!

In the meantime, I believe that everyone does have a great story or three to share with the world.
However, whether it is a speech, eBook, bedtime story or fiction /non-fiction book is another question altogether.
Can everyone write a book? Well the answer is up to you. If you are prepared to the take time and energy and invest in yourself then I shout out Yes!

Keep writing, whether it is your journal, notebook or regular posts…just keep writing!

-When writers die they become books, which is after all, not too bad an incarnation – Jorge Luis Borges


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