by Georgia Varjas | Jan 29, 2017 | Blog, Featured
Do you receive good feedback? Isn’t that a brilliant position to be in? A place where you can learn and grow, and then go on to provide value to others. Great feedback about our work really pushes us forward. We all need someone else to cast an eye, give a...
by Georgia Varjas | Jan 24, 2017 | Blog, Featured
How are your New Year’s resolutions going? Swell? Or are you sinking into overwhelm? As someone said: New Years resolutions are a bit like babies: they are fun to make but difficult to maintain. This annual event has been practised by many societies for...
by Georgia Varjas | Jan 17, 2017 | Blog, Featured
Can you be original in a world where everything has been done before? Have you ever started to write or speak about a topic believing it is a great and original idea? Then, you are told that so and so has already said that, built it or sold it? The concept or belief...
by Georgia Varjas | Jan 10, 2017 | Blog, Featured
Do you have a speech to craft? A sales pitch to prepare? A book to write? Maybe, you want more money and need to approach your boss? Whatever outcome you want to design…you have to Craft it! Crafting your ideas and thoughts on paper triggers an amazing array of...
by Georgia Varjas | Jan 3, 2017 | Blog, Featured
Have you been networking over the holidays? Did you pass around your Biz-Nizz card or just the brandy? As they say at the beginning of a relationship: Let’s start off the way we mean to go forward! 2017 has arrived – does it feel good to you? Are you full...