Looking in the Green Eye of the Camera

I watch a lot of Live Streams on Facebook. I see hundreds of coaches, healers and soulful sellers offering great value, excellent products and some super services. With so many entrepreneurs out there in this spinning digital world, competition to grab your attention...
Dancing Cheek To Cheek

Dancing Cheek To Cheek

What a difference it makes to meet your Biz -Niz colleagues and friends face to face. To look them in the eyes and have a conversation! No screens, time zones or electricity needed. To be actually Dancing Cheek to Cheek. We have become so accustomed to relating...

Them Nerves, Them nerves, Dem Tingling Nerves!

Where is that hole in the ground when you really need it? Oh, where is that super fast escape route, when an attack of the nerves, accompanied by an in yer face fear seeps into your skin and bones? I am referring to those situations when you have to speak up, present,...
To Swear or not to Swear, is it a question?

To Swear or not to Swear, is it a question?

Language is one of our most popular communication tools. We use it without thinking about it. We often use it without thinking! Everyday, we chat, talk and exchange, wagging our tongues and engaging with others. Even more so now with texting, tweeting and...

Eat Your Heart Out Tower of Babel!

During my travels this last month of August, I heard an incredible mix of languages spoken.  Every country or capital that I traveled through, I witnessed people verbally conversing and interacting. Unusual sound waves filled the air with a crazy blend of vowels and...

Holding Back the Good Stuff

We all know people out there who are Holding back the good stuff, don’t we? People like you and me who get silly shy to show up and show off our super amazing talents. Remember those occasions when you didn’t let go, let rip your passion and fire or even...
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