Speaking to Inspire

Speaking to Inspire

The other day, I was watching a backlog of Ted Talks. It was my catching up time. I wanted to listen and view someone who would be Speaking to Inspire. I had marked some 5 talks to view and knew I wouldn’t get to see all of them. So, I set my dial and went into...

All Your Talents in One Basket

How many times in your life have you changed direction? Taken a different route? Worn red instead of black? Said yes instead of no? I bet your honest answer is, Plenty of times! And, of course you have, and I believe you, because I have too. It’s natural, normal...

Going with Your Guts

It is a strange thought, to lead with your belly, to go by the feeling you have in the middle part of your body and not your head or your heart. You know, Going with your Guts. Some experts say that the brain uses a combination of logic and emotion when making...
Disarming Your Critics

Disarming Your Critics

Some years ago, during my days in London, while I was working and studying with the very talented yet mischievous Bernard Kops, I wrote a comedy play for stage. I had re-written the piece, edited and had a mini performance of it under the super sharp eyes of my...

How Does my….Look?

How does my….look?  My lines look so deep – My profile is awful – I am having a bad hair day – Am I photogenic enough? Recognise yourself? We have heard and said them all…more or less. Facebook in particular has increased our anxiety...

Finding Your Original Remix

Finding Your Original Remix, or bringing out your individual way to express yourself. It’s all about discovering and developing your special style of interpreting an idea, thought or story. Let’s face it, nothing is original today. Well, that’s what...
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