As a book writing coach, I get to hear some fascinating ideas for a book.
Some cover exceptional and courageous experiences, others maybe about a new angle on an old theme. For some, it is about another way of dealing with business or indeed, a life that created great success.
The stories and anecdotes are often fascinating and illustrated with lessons learnt, or the other way around! It is often through mistakes and errors we develop and improve the most, and these add credibility to a book.
Having a fine and balanced blend of fascinating facts and intriguing stories is what makes any book a page turner – best seller and irresistible read.

Many budding authors recognise the benefits of having a writing coach and still do not commit, believing genuinely they will ‘get it done’.
But devoting your time and energy to writing a book without a writing coach, is a long, lonely and tough ride. I know as I did it stubbornly too often!
Let me share with you the 5 essential reasons to invest in a writing coach that I offer in all my programs.

Professional advice and guidance

As a 4 times published author and having written in several genres, fiction, nonfiction, plays, poems, scripts and blogs – I have a broad experience to share with my clients.
I offer a strategy to structure the book. A way to chunk your ideas and chapters into smaller sections to make it easy to handle and palatable to develop.
As a writing coach, I understand the importance of honing into the most poignant, powerful and inspiring topics that motivate you to explore and write.
Together, we look into ‘killer titles and absorbing subheadings’ and create a book plan that will lead you to the final full stop.


First of all, accountability is much more than hand holding.
It is about encouraging you to write in your style, with your voice, and at your pace. But with discipline, determination and drive…which I provide as needed.
I am there for you in a professional capacity as your book writing coach, to provide you with questions and answers, suggestions and ideas to provoke, agitate and bring out the best in you.


As a writer myself and a coach, I know the roller coaster ride of ups and downs, highs and lows that the creative mind experiences during the writing process.
Scary and exciting and for some comes a feeling of isolation. Doubts, inhibitions and all kinds of irrational and rational fears creep in. This is why it is essential to have support.
And support from someone who knows that road, who has experience and more knowledge than you.

Marketing Mindset

The publishing world has changed unrecognisably and for many it is an unknown territory.
The realities of writing, editing and publishing your book are enough to contend with, and then on top of that all, you have to market it!
Developing a marketing mindset is essential, it is crucial and it is imperative!
You can write the most eloquent, captivating and engaging book but if you don’t have a marketing mindset from the beginning (well, almost the beginning) your visibility, credibility and sales stay flat.
As a writing coach this is a unique addition to all my programs. 

Industry Expertise

Who will edit my book? Who will publish it? How will I distribute it? Should I do a book launch, speaking event, TED Talk? What shall I do?
Having current knowledge of the world of publishing and the best recommendations for editors and publishers is all part of service as a book writing coach.

Writing a book is one of the most brilliant ways to build on your strengths and improve on your ‘weaker’ areas.
It is also the best way to develop your confidence, display your courage and share your creative energy.
When you recognise you are worth it and give value and importance to your ideas you will find the right person to take you to the final full stop…and beyond.

-If you really want to know yourself, start by writing a book – Shereen El Feki


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