Let’s face it, we all make mistakes. And we all know that it is much more common than we want to admit.
Plus, we know, that if we don’t learn something new, we will repeat the mistake.
And yet…
And often…
I want dispel, dismiss and swipe off your desk 3 mistakes that writers often make.
There will be others of course.
But these are the big important ones.

And the idea is to let you know that the 3 tips I am going to share below will guide you to the right writing road.

Then you can decide – learn and start writing.

-Learn continually – there’s always ‘one more thing’ to learn – Steve Jobs


I have found in my work as a booking writing coach, that most of the myths and mistakes writers make are about lack of knowledge or awareness around the ‘How to’ part of writing, completing, publishing and promoting their book.

Here are my top tips to help you avoid 3 mistakes that writers often make.


  • Deciding on the subject, the fulfilling topic for your book, takes a certain kind of an objective approach. If not there can be a lack of clarity around the topic.
    Many writers are not aware of the need to have “lessons and stories”, weaved into a non-fiction book. Or fascinating facts and intriguing stories.
  • A non fiction author needs to aim to keep the reader present during writing sessions. That is, in their mind, thoughts and finger tips. Who is the book for? Who is your ideal reader? What are you planning to share with your reader that they want to know, learn and be involved in? Yes, your book will eventually reach “everybody” but first think and write with a much smaller demographic.
  • Oh me, oh my! How publishing has changed! No wonder some people still believe that self-publishing means getting your hands full of print. Or believing it is complex, impossible and financially disastrous.
    What is worse, is that the allow their lack of knowledge about publishing stop them writing. Self-publishing means professional editing, high quality designs and control of the account. Now, I call that a top service and investment.


-Mistakes are the portals of discovery – James Joyce

I like this idea very much. Through making mistakes we will learn something new. Doors will open and new inspiration will flow in.
Look for the blessing in the mistake.

Keep writing!


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