After the book launch of The Rule Breakers Guide To Step Up & Stand Out and all the PR work had cooled down, I went on holiday. I’d worked hard and consistently and was ready to relax and take a break.
But after a few days lying around a gorgeous pool, I grew restless! I knew I had to write something else. It felt like something was missing. Almost as if I had missed something out!
I knew what it was and so I set about to create the sister book Rule It! A follow up book half the size yet packed with all the How To’s imaginable. I wanted it to be accessible, comprehensive and applicable.
Also, full of answers, encouragement and action steps.
Well, I did it! And I did it in 5 weeks! But it was a real roller coaster ride. I had my doubts, frustrations and bad word days! Publication day was set for March …and then lockdown came. The going got tougher!
That’s why I want to share with you 5 Attitudes To Adapt When Your Writing Gets Jammed!
-You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you – Ray Bradbury
5 Attitudes To Adapt When Your Writing Gets Jammed!
Determination is one of those hidden muscles that we often praise in athletes. And you have experienced it many times in your life, you just didn’t recognise it!
Determination is about persistence and grit. A bit of backbone and resolve. When you set your mind to completing, finishing and putting down that last – fat – full – stop.
Focus is another super muscle to get out of the bag. It is about clearing the desks and decks, all those distractions that hold you back and delay you.
Sometimes easier said than done but this is when you call on determination to help you out. The 2 work well together. Focus might also mean delegating, sharing out the workload and teaming up.
Discipline is so important to acquire. A dirty word to many with memories of school, the army or a factory job. Time to loosen up your vocabulary then!
I see my writing work as something I love doing, even when I am having a ‘bad word day’. I switch my thinking around and see the writing as something I want to do.
Team as I mentioned above, having an accountability partner, a brainstorming companion or a writing mentor puts you back in the writing flow.
I used all three when writing my books! And I would recommend working with someone you respect and get on well with.
Love of your self is an essential part of finding that full stop and getting through the dark times, the blank page syndromes and other writing ailments.
Make sure you take time out, regular breaks and times when you do nothing.
Like many things in life it is about practise and repetition. Feeling disheartened and disappointed is real! But is also a moment to stop and reflect and then change things up.
Of course, there will be other tips, tricks and attitudes you will hook onto to get you though any writing traffic jams. But these 5 Attitudes To Adapt When Your Writing Gets Jammed are a strong start.
-Inspiration doesn’t lead to writing. Writing leads to inspiration. Ellery Akers
Writing your book is one of the most liberating ways to share your story, your opinion and your message.
Something I have recent and first hand experience in. This is why I offer a unique service of Mindset Book Coaching
To take you through the roller coaster ride of the writing process – from the blank page syndrome to breezing through mid-book overwhelm or the what now? I have finished the book dilemma.
Writing your book requires you to make decisions, often many and often right now.
With this in mind, I am dedicating the 3rd Webinar in the Step Up & Stand Out series to:
How To Make A Difficult Decision In 10 Minutes And Make The Right Decision
So many of us hesitate, delay or procrastinate and end up not moving, not making a decision that could benefit us.
Ladies jump on this link to register and grab your front row seat for this FREE webinar on Tuesday 11th August at UK 7pm – CET 8pm – EST 2pm
It’s going to be riveting!
See you all soon!
Many of us experience a lifetime writer’s block. Often without the slightest idea of why. We like to communicate to share our knowledge or opinions. And to reach out and pass on is a never ending process of life. Therefore all human connection is vitally important for us. Writing is one of them. To learn and succeed in it is an interesting journey. To produce a book is an ultimate form of writing. To master it must be great fun. Thank you for your aspiration to inspire and encourage me to write my book!