I have just finished the follow-up book to The Rule Breakers Guide! And I am thrilled and delighted with the result and proud of my achievements.
I decided to do a companion book because my readers and reviewers asked me –  but How do you Step Up & Stand Out? What exactly are the steps and moves to take?
I knew I had to create something that was accessible, comprehensive and applicable.
A ‘Sister’ booklet that you could pop in your pocket and pull out anytime to find answers, encouragement and action steps.
Well, I did it! And I did it in 5 weeks! But it was a real roller coaster ride. I had my doubts, frustrations and bad word days!
That’s why I want to share with you 5 amazing things to do to inspire you and to learn How To Keep Writing When The Going Gets Tough!


-You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you – Ray Bradbury


The first thing to discover are those writing muscles that you thought you never had! They will keep you fit and healthy and show you How To Keep Writing When The Going Gets Tough!

Determination is one of those hidden muscles that we often praise in athletes. And you have experienced it many times in your life, you just didn’t recognise it!
Determination is about persistence and grit. A bit of backbone and resolve. When you set your mind to completing, finishing and putting down that last fat full stop.

Focus is another super muscle to get out of the bag. It is about clearing the desks and decks, all those distractions that hold you back and delay you.
Sometimes easier said than done but this is when you call on determination to help you out. The 2 work well together. Focus might also mean delegating, sharing out the workload and teaming up.

Discipline is so important to acquire. A dirty word to many with memories of school, the army or a factory job. Time to loosen up your vocabulary then!
I see my writing work as something I love doing, even when I am having a ‘bad word day’. I switch my thinking around and see the writing as something I want to do.

Team as I mentioned above, having an accountability partner, a brainstorming companion or a writing mentor puts you back in the writing flow.
I used all three when writing my books! And I would recommend working with someone you respect and get on well with.

Love of your self and your amazing talents, as I mentioned last week – is an essential part of finding that full stop and getting through the dark times, the blank page syndromes and other writing ailments.


-Start writing no matter what. The water doesn’t flow until the faucet is turned on – Louis L’Amour


With many years of writing plays, poetry, speeches, articles, blogs, short stories and non fiction subjects, I have learnt a good few skills in the art of writing.
If you are seeking some strategies, solutions and steps to move forward, then have a look at my work with me page. 
And see how I can help you make an impact with your words and show you How To Keep Writing When The Going Gets Tough!

After working on 2 books this year, I shall be taking time away from the blogs from 19th December and back on with a special 2020 post on 8th January.
Thank you all for your continued support & Keep Writing, Sharing your messages and Stepping Up & Standing Out!

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