As teenagers the desire to break routines is strong. As we become more self sufficient in our professions and financial responsibilities, having a daily routine is paramount to creating the work – life balance. Or so all the good guide books say! We understand that routines help to keep us organised and focused and encourages us to control our stress levels. In fact, research shows we need routines to maintain a healthy mental, physical and emotional balance in our lives. So, How To Be Consistent When Your Routine Is Up Side Down?
-Your habits will determine your future – Jack Canfield
In my book The Rule Breakers Guide To Step Up & Stand Out, I write about The Four Fabulous Sisters: Consistent, Persistent, Resistant and Insistent. They are like sisters, or team members, supporters even biz buddies because when we have them by our side we are amazing! If you use your imagination you can picture an accountability partner encouraging you to continue with your projects, your work or your book writing. Someone who is dependable, steady and consistent. Just the exact person you need to learn How To Be Consistent When Your Routine Is Up Side Down!
-We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act but a habit – Aristotle
Being consistent and persistent and having a bit of resistance and insistence are great side kicks to have when the going gets tough! And these last couple of months have been incredulous!
Surviving in times of trouble, stress and struggle weighs heavy on our whole existence – it is easy enough to fall by the way side, sleep all day, eat, drink, smoke and shrivel up under the covers. In no time routines fizzle out into distant galaxies. Taking care of yourself as apart of a daily routine is a life skill. Sadly, seldom part of our education curriculum. But with experience, we recognise it is about a daily practise or routine. I learned about being consistent during my show biz days. We called it rehearsal. It was all about repeating a phrase, a musical lick or a melodic pattern. Not unusual, all professional sports people do it. Dancers, acrobats, actors, speakers, writers – we all do it. We repeat until we know it.
-Practise makes you confident and competent – Georgia Varjas
Time to Step Up & Stand Out (not for every minute of the day, I don’t encourage obsessive behaviour)
Here are some common sense tips to inspire you to learn How To Be Consistent When Your Routine Is Up Side Dow
- Start with allowing yourself enough sleep or rest. Go for the real thing. Give yourself a special 8 or 9 hours slumber treat.
- Move on to improving your diet and cutting out what you know upsets your stomach, causes you pain or strain.
- Then, check out an exercise that you can do and love. Search for it, try something new, watch a video and then include it in your next 24 hours.
- Connect with others. From waving to smiling and then chatting with old and new friends. Find forums of like minded or those who share a hobby with you.
- Stay away from alarmist media, fake news, bureaucrats and false scientists. You cannot change what is going on outside, you can only change your perspectives.
Being consistent is not something to force upon yourself but it is a kind of discipline. Finding your balance between work and play or work and life means making decisions and taking actions on them. And this and other hot topics I shall be covering in my FREE Webinar and Book Launch on Tuesday June 2nd at 7pm BST – 8pm CET – 2pm EST
Come along and join me and let’s discover How to Gain Confidence, Courage & Creativity to Step Up & Stand Out together!
I also invite you to celebrate with me the launch of my 4th book, How To Step Up & Stand Out On Video Stage & Page.
It is going to be a bumper hour of discussion, learning, inspiration and fun!
Here is the link to register: LADIES ONLY PLEASE
Being and remaining clear and confident about our original aim is essential to survive when our routines become difficult or severed. Yes, we can only change our perspectives with the help of our creativity and flexibility. There are always multiple ways to achieve our goals. Our creative imagination can be used to change our tactics and methods to succeed.
“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is not an act but a habit” – Aristotle. Became habitually creative doesn’t mean to get rid of practising via repeated actions.
Confident, solid knowledge and decisiveness helps us to listen, choose and accept the relevant information around us.
Maintaining good health mentally and physically is also key to overcome our difficulties!
You are an excellent example of persistence and consistence even here in your great blog life.
Thank you for your exemplary insistence.
“-Practise makes you confident and competent – Georgia Varjas” … Not bored!