Have you found your writing voice?
It is a big question right? And, many of us may just answer, I don’t know, or not yet.

If you have been journaling, you may feel that what you write is just good therapy, keeps you in tune with your feelings and emotions, even a release.
If you are writing blogs and newsletters, many of you will probably feel it is just business.
If you write copy, may be you think it’s just – sales.

Discovering your style, your way of expressing yourself in the written form takes practice – that is writing practice.
It is about learning to express and share your version, your point of view and your opinion as words on paper. (or screen)
How you use verbs and nouns, the word order you choose and the the adjectives you select, all contribute to your ‘voice’.


-Develop the confidence and courage to go for what you want in life – Georgia Varjas


Believe me, the more you experiment with words, the more you mix and match verbs and nouns, you will get closer to your voice.
And, as your confidence grows, you will become more courageous with your choice of words, your appetite to explore different vocabulary will increase.
Then watch your creativity explode on the page!


-The great secret of getting what you want from life, is to know what you want and believe you can have it – Norman V. Peale


Here are some tips to become aware of your writing voice.

Be honest, determine your point of view.
Watch out for word repetition.
Pay attention to using adverbs all the time.
Read your writing out loud. Does it sound like you?
Balance dialogue and description.
Read a lot but don’t copy, absorb


-It’s not about finding your voice. It’s about giving yourself permission to use your voice – Kriss Carr


In all my programs and masterclasses, I encourage each budding writer and author to explore their writing style.To find your way to articulate, communicate and convey what you really want to write.
It does take practice but every time you write something you learn to ‘hear’ your voice.
Everyone has their original style because when you read what they write – it’s like they are there in the room speaking to you.

That’s what it feels like.

So, keep writing!



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