Have You Found the Core of Your Story?
It is a big question right? And, many of us may just answer I don’t know, or not yet.

If you have been journaling, you may feel that what you write is good therapy, keeps you in tune with your feelings and emotions, even a release.

If you are writing blogs and newsletters, many of you will probably feel it is just business.
When it comes to writing a book, then…you really have to turn on, tune in and write from the heart.

They are powerful questions to ask yourself. Are you writing about something that means something to you? Have you found the core, the essence of your work?
Do you feel that this story of yours will resonate with your audience?

It is like checking in to yourself to make sure you are on the right track. Doing what you want to be doing. Showing off your talents and skills in the best way possible. Giving good value and receiving top rewards. Isn’t that a healthy description of doing what you want?


-Develop the confidence and courage to go for what you want in life – Georgia Varjas


You have to go after what you want in life. It doesn’t knock your door unless you make some moves towards it. And I believe that desire is the driving force behind what you want in life.
To Decide is a powerful action verb. You can make a thousand decisions about what you want but it won’t happen until you Step Up & Stand Out. Take action on your words.

And yes, it takes confidence, courage and creativity! It means sitting down with yourself and going through a list of pros and cons smartly – without doing the over-the-top-thing.
It is also about looking back and remembering your dreams and goals and seeing how many have you ticked off. Call it a personal bucket list of things you really really want to do.


-The great secret of getting what you want from life, is to know what you want and believe you can have it – Norman V. Peale


Too many of us settle for less. In our work, in our relationships in many areas of our lives. Confidence, courage and some creative energy seems to be lacking and so we undervalue ourselves.
We start to believe this is our lot in life and to just accept it. I am here to encourage you to think outside of that limiting box and go for gold! To believe you deserve more and can receive more.
It starts with asking yourself, other writers and your book writing coach, Have You Found the Core of Your Story?


-Whatever you want to do, do it now. there are only so many tomorrows – Michael Landon


Creating a positive mindset that encourages you to be confident, courageous and creative is vital and a daily practise – for life. It is the best way to find out what you want so when someone says:
Are You Writing What You Really Want To Write? You can stand tall and say: Yes, I am!

In all my programs, online and in person I encourage the 3 Cs. I share with you the information you need to make the writing process work for you. To understand what publishing a book means today.
Don’t hesitate to ask, DM me for all your questions on writing and publishing.

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