What does the word ‘brave’ mean to you? Do you conjure up a rescue worker, fireman, spaceman or even spider man? And have you noticed all those typical, or shall we say stereotypical images and illustrations of bravery appear to fit a masculine image? To me the phrase, “You are so courageous” seems to be used for people who dare to do something you don’t or can’t do.
I think it is time for Some Straight Talk About Courage.

Let’s face it, there will always be things you can do or will do that I never will and visa versa. You may find bungee-jumping, zip-lining or sky diving the most exhilarating action possible. In my books, they are all terrifying even to write. On the other hand, getting up to speak, writing a book or dancing Bachata at midnight makes my energy peak!

-Be brave, takes risks, nothing can substitute experience – Paulo Coehlo


I believe it is time to break out of the conventional image of bravery. Why not take a walk on the wild side? You could start by recognising the bravery of those with less weapons, less size and less power or privilege. Then, make a list of all the amazing brave decisions and actions you have taken in your life.
No judging allowed!

-Courage can be small acts over a long period of time – Georgia Varjas


Think about the things you want to do or feel you need to do to improve your life, business or relationships.
How many of them make you feel uneasy, fearful or just plain scared? Probably a few.

Imagine standing up in front of an unknown audience of 2000 people and having to give a speech? A motivational talk for 45 minutes. I tell you my stomach churns! (as would most healthy people!) But that’s not how it happens. You have to work towards that position, gain friends and influence people. You are not suddenly given that opportunity. It takes time to learn and develop that craft. Stack up some experiences before the door opens. And by then, you have worked on and designed a key note speech, a signature talk and a whole variety of short, medium and longer oratory presentations. Right?


-A great performance comes from great practise – Georgia Varjas


I am preparing for my Book Launch, to be held in London on July 2nd. I am preparing a Talk for the launch event, for the press and radio, for any book signings and then another talk for any speaking events I gain afterwards. It is all work in progress and if I think about having to do it tomorrow I would (like anybody) freak out big time because I would feel unprepared. And the opposite of courage is to be unprepared. Finding yourself in a situation that you have no experience about leaves you in the position of the opposite of courage. Yes, courage can be learnt and best of all courage comes as you improve your skills.

So, try all the tricks in the book. Count to 3 and do it anyway. And plot, plan and go for it.
Grow your courage muscles everyday and praise all your courageous acts.

Have a super week and teach yourself Some Straight Talk About Courage.




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