We have stepped in to another decade – and one that has a ring to it I feel, don’t you? 2020 does sound balanced and rich. Are you sensing something good too?
I know some people go down the January Blues Road, followed by the February, when will it be over headache!
But one great solution is to fill yourself up with some vitamins – and I don’t just mean the edible ones!
Of course self-care is paramount to continuing health and wealth – but I am referring to the vitamins that stimulate and motivate you – your heart, brain and soul.
Creativity And Other Vitamins To Keep You Going.
-The desire to create is one of the deepest desires of the human soul – Dieter F. Uchtdorf
So let me ask you, how often do you go out and take in a show? OK let’s call it a theatre performance, dance, ballet, opera, comedy, sports event, contest or competition?
It could also be an afternoon or evening at a museum, art gallery, book launch, Keynote, TEDx Talk, Spoken Word event. Or enter the wonderful world of Live music.
These are the places, spaces and activities that contain high grade vitamins.
Find and discover a venue that offers you something new, something fresh or different. An event that may even be outside your comfort zone.
Take a friend, share the excitement. Go with an open mind, without assumptions or pre-conceived judgements.
Let the vitamins do the work! Be energised and encouraged by the entertainment, professionalism or the emotions.
-Creativity is intelligence having fun – Albert Einstein
There are so many ways to receive external stimulation to encourage you in your work, your business and relationships. However, you can also do something creative for yourself.
Here is a list of 7 creative activities, and who knows how they may prompt, spark or trigger something in your business ventures, or even rekindle your artistic passions!
- Write your story.
- Take up an Instrument, even a penny whistle!
- Get involved in local theatre or a choir.
- Take professional-style photos, portraits, landscapes or psychedelic images.
- Study a language.
- Take a cooking class.
- Buy some paints, acrylic or water colours and start painting.
Remember, Creativity is the act of turning new and imaginative ideas into reality, it is your opportunity to bring out the innovative genius in you.
It is also recognising and putting into practice how to use creativity in your business, as detailed here in this description from a business perspective.
Creativity And Other Vitamins To Keep You Going in 2020!
It is important as writers and speakers to feed our imagination and creative sources.
It is also part of our personal education to learn more and receive new ideas and incentives to express ourselves.
And, It is important to set aside time every day to play!
If you are needing a boost of encouragement, energy or focus, have a look at my Work With Me page and check out the options available to get you to Step Up & Stand Out in 2020.
Wishing you massive Health and Wealth for 2020 and keep writing and speaking!
Creatively brilliant encouragement to use our great gifts and our talents! To create something new or different is basically the nature of life, as it permanently supports itself in the form of replacing any obsolete elements, and in an inventive way. To be creative is important in a social sense as well. These “provocations” require new attitudes that triggers us to use and apply our creativity with vigour. Reading your blog I felt the awakening of creativity to react in form of my reply. Thank you for this exciting topic.
Thank you for your comment and I am delighted it stimulates you to be even more creative!
Couldn’t agree more! Let’s see what I did years ago:-
Learned to tap-dance and do ballet…
Joined an Amateur Dramatic group and appeared in “Mother Goose ” & “Carousel”
Gave birth to and brought up three sons…
Ran a poetry group
Attended floral art class for a year
Helped run a greengrocers/grocers shop
Attended an Open University Literature class; sat and passed exam.
Helped run an hotel…
Wrote poetry and short stories. Had several published, also articles.
Worked as secretary to two editors of publishing company.
Saw many films and shows in the west end and danced a bit…
Spent several years going to Yoga class, Pilates and Thai Chi.
Lived in Canada for 18 months
Travelled a lot….The Bahamas, US, Canada, France, Holland, Jersey, Chanel Islands, Greece, Cyprus, Italy and Spain.
Have written or co-written eight books.
Had many poems and short stories included in several anthologies.
Won two prizes for poetry and one for a short story.
No.1 on Kindle Amazon for Memoir My Gentle War
Was group leader for the U3A Creative Writing class.
Chair for Writers’ Ink
Write a weekly column for the CBNewspaper.
Phew – I enjoyed that!
Am on 9th book at present… Cheers! x
Well Joy! What can I say? An impressively creative life indeed!