What You Learnt & What You Gonna Learn?

I am sure if you were to list all the things you learned these last twelve months you would be astonished. Really! I know because I started a list two days ago and I am still working on it. Remembering and recovering the detail and returning to add more. Now before...

Stories Are Forever!

Tis’ the season of stories. The good, the bad, the ugly and all the truths and lies in between. We all love a bit of good storytelling both in our personal and business relationships. Yes, Stories are forever! Here in the Northern hemisphere, we have moved into...
How To Do Good & Get Rich!

How To Do Good & Get Rich!

How To Do Good & Get Rich? Let’s face it, we have all dreamt of a life without financial worries. Living a Quality Lifestyle. Go on admit it, you have daydreamed about having sufficient money to live in a beautiful house, surrounded by trees, or by a lake,...

The Magic of Change

When you ask most people how they feel about change, they will respond with Oh no! I hate it or I am scared of it. Or they come up with those ancient slogans like, ‘If it ain’t broke why change it?’ or ‘Why rock the boat?’ And yes,...

Who’s Talking & Who’s Listening?

What’s the difference between listening and hearing?  Yes, we understand that ‘we hear the music but listen to the lyrics’. We know we are also capable of hearing the voice but not the message. In fact, we humans are so clever at mixing up the...

Asking Questions Will Take You Everywhere!

Once upon time, all of us here were children, Right? I am sure you remember. Perhaps, you have children now, or grandchildren, even the neighbours off spring, asking why? Why? And why? As we grow up, we learn to elaborate on that question, but it still is a popular...
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