From bedtime stories to comic tall tales, and everything in between, there is nothing like a good story to get us in the listening mood. A story so good it can settle down a noisy room, quieten the hearts of the busy and capture the attention of the restless. Story telling has become so popular online and in around meeting rooms and conference tables that if you haven’t included a story in your pitch, talk or presentation you might believe you haven’t got what it takes! The Real Point Of Story Telling is here to stay!

-Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world -Robert McKee


We connect through our stories and we learn to understand each other through sharing them. Humans have always communicated by using story to educate and stimulate each other. Remember how you would cajole your parents to tell you a story before sleeping? Do you remember how sharing experiences encouraged you to try new things in your life as a young adult? We also love to listen to the stories of others to educate and entertain ourselves. And, never has there been a better time to get on up on that stage and actually make some money telling your stories.


Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make but about the stories that you tell – Seth Godin


Telling and sharing our stories are an important area of our marketing as Seth Godin reminds us, but how much of it, and where to place is of equal importance. 

The Real Point of Story Telling is that it illustrates your message – it is NOT your message! What does that mean? In public speaking, our personal stories pepper our talks. They add spice and reveal connection. They are used to back up our opinion and point of view. Our story is there to show our personality and to add to our performance. Our stories communicate our character and display our charisma. They makes us relatable!

Although story telling is one of the most powerful ways to express our ideas, experiences and even points of view, how we craft and shape them is the essence of its success. Sometimes, expressing your story out into the world is hard. Finding a way to autograph them pushes you to acknowledge and announce parts of your life that may not always come naturally. Be aware and pay attention to any outcomes that may hurt or reflect on you harmfully. Paradoxes in life are natural, you don’t have to justify them or over think them either. Yes, it takes confidence and courage and a spoonful or two of creativity – and you got that right?

-Great stories happen to those that tell them – Ira Glass


I remember the first time I added a personal story to a speech I did. I was terrified! And, I thought they wouldn’t like it and worse still wouldn’t like me. I thought the roof would cave in. Of course, none of these things happened. In fact, it created an amazing connection with my audience. 

I write about these topics in my books, The Rule Breakers Guide To Step Up & Stand Out and out next week Rule It! How To Step Up & Stand Out On Video, Stage & Page

You can also come and be part of a fabulous event on 28th March in London, where you will hear some amazing stories from presenters who understand The Real Point Of Story Telling!

If this is something you want to develop and learn more – check out my Work With Me Page

Meanwhile keep telling the world stories to fire them up, get them involved and offering connections of value.

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