What does the phrase Step Up & Stand Out mean to you? Is it about standing your ground and putting your hand up? Is it a phrase that spurs you on and encourages you to do the things you want to do in your life?
Or is it making you hesitate and shy away from stepping into those Big Girl Shoes (or Big Boy Shoes!)?
For me, it is about sticking up for myself, not taking no for an answer and standing my ground. It is also about questioning the rules that do not benefit me and asking for what I want. And this to me is The Art Of Stepping Up & Standing Out.


-Every time you give the best of yourself you perform authentically – Georgia Varjas


Many of us are still coming to terms with this strange world we are living in. Learning how to re-invent ourselves and find a new way to be financially independent.
Whether that is leaving the corporate world to start your own business. Or writing that book to build your reputation and authority. Perhaps to create videos and programs that will attract more clients. Whichever path you chose you know you will need to gain more confidence, courage and creativity to really Step Up & Stand Out.


-Decision making is your super power – Georgia Varjas


Challenges are out there, Set backs and rejections will never go away but developing a positive attitude and being resilient will keep you on track. As we know, overnight success takes years.
I have been writing these blog posts for the last 4 years. Yes, 4 years of being consistent, persistent, resistant and insistent and now I am proud to present this as my 200 blog post!
And many times I have had to learn and re-learn The Art Of Stepping Up & Standing Out. I have actually come to enjoy learning!


-Learning never exhausts the mind – Leonardo da Vinci


In the Webinar I hosted last week, I asked my attendees what does it mean to Step Up & Stand Out? Here are some of the responses.
– Facing my fears and putting myself out there.
– To listen to myself as much as to those around me and do the right thing even if it’s not popular.
– It means to push through to the next level and be authentic to my vision and mission.

And this is a question I put to you too dear reader, what does it mean to you to Step Up & Stand Out?
When we take the time to ask ourselves what we want to do and then take the time to make the decision and act upon it – we are Stepping Up & Standing Out.

In fact, every time you make a decision and act upon it, then you are involved in The Art Of Stepping Up & Standing Out!
If you are ready to clarify your pathway to opening up your brilliant mindset for writing or speaking on video, stage or page, check out my coaching packages right here.   
With a lifetime experience on videos, stages and pages, I have great insights and practical steps to offer. See you all on Blog 201 – next week!

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