7 Reasons To Write Your Book That Doesn’t Make Money!

Does that sound crazy to you? That you would spend so much time and energy and even money to write a book that won’t make you rich? Or even pay the mortgage?
To be realistic, very few authors make their millions from writing. But writing a book opens doors. Doors that can and do make money.
Last year 184,000 books were published in the UK. In the USA the figure for 2019 reached 304,000. That is a lot of books right? Books are not going out of fashion anytime soon.
One thing for sure is that writing a book is a real roller coaster ride. It is a test of your character and patience too. And, your ability to persevere and be ready to live outside your comfort zone!
I know this after having published 4 books, been included in 6 anthologies and written more than 200 blog posts.


-Here’s the thing. The book that will change your life the most, is the book you write – Seth Godin


My 7 Reasons To Write Your Book That Doesn’t Make You Money! 

Stories are compelling.
People love a story that inspires and starts you dreaming and thinking. Stories are stimulating and exciting. Telling your story is a page turner.

Credibility, kudos and reputation.
Fiction or non–fiction, your book will build your prominence and PR. It is one way to establish yourself as an authority on your topic.

Do you have a message, an opinion or an experience that can change the world? Writing is your loudspeaker, like an advert and a place for you to broadcast and express yourself.

The book you write could be the best educative learning tool available! Your book is there to inform or to teach a method, a pathway even offer a solution to a better way.

A narrative book is like taking a holiday, or an adventurous journey. Some readers may see it as a night out and a pure piece of entertainment.

Your book could be the latest analysis and interpretation on a hot topic. An opportunity for you to give another angle or point of view.

Reflection and memory.
Writing a book to stir the reader to reflect and remember. A time in history, a personal memoir, a secret life or untold event.


Writing is the best way to talk without being interrupted – Jules Renard


For me, writing creates magic! And, writing your own book is one of the most satisfying and proud moments to experience. Call it your legacy, your baby or product, it is there with your name all over it.
Lately, there has been a huge demand by people like yourself wanting to write their book. Whether it is a business book, a personal story or a narrative.
In my Mindset Book Coaching work, I offer a unique service to get you to focus your mind on writing your book. I make sure you:

  • Remain clear on your topic. Many authors start a book and 10,000 words later, or 10 months later realise it is not the book they wanted to write.
  • Recognise the importance of your book so you don’t fall into the abyss of doubt and quitting.
  • Enjoy the roller coaster ride journey with all the challenges.

For more information on this unique service contact me for a Discovery Call  and let’s get your book out there!

Looking forward to connecting and seeing if we can create that magic for you!

Here is a link for more news and opinions about publishing a book 

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